she/he/they/it, 26yo, Brazilian

White, able-bodied, fat, bi, agender (non-transitioning).ADHD & autism.

i tag: insects w/ 'insect' and 'bug', and most explicit jokes with 'nsfw'. might tag gore if it's really bad.might show up in your tl: i follow a handful of nsfw and horror accounts. i dont interact, like or rt earnest nsfw content and the more gory/violent content, but if it still shows up on your tl bc i follow them hmu and i'll get it sorted out.etc: ask me to tag anything not mentioned here, or to tweet out "lrt cw" kinda tweets if that helps you. i'm probably not tagging my vent/whiny tweets unless its a specific kinda content (ed, medical, etc).

under 18 folks: it's ok to follow and interact, but unless we chat and become buddies over our interests i don't usually follow/fb, for a comfort factor. keep in mind sometimes i make/RT funny nsfw-ish joke.DNI:
> pedo/zoo/incest shit (including fiction)
> if you talk abt or to minors sexually in any way as an adult (including fiction)
> im fine w nsfw content from media with canon timeskip material, as long as characters are explicitly drawn/described/characterized as full grown adults at the time it takes place.
> other situations are case-by-case, we can chat abt it in good faith if we're mutuals.

this is also under construction btw sorry